Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blast from the past: Vilem Cage

Vilem Cage has appeared in more LK videos than any other Czech model. Though he went on to work for other companies, Vilem is still known best as : "Kazan's Czech of choice", so the Adam Gay Video Directory in 2004. Because of his manly good looks? His non-stop erection? His many skills as a dependable, tireless top? That mix of runway glamour and sexual magnetism?


Y said...

Goodness you made my day!!
I love Vilem.Another awesome hunk and performer from the golden era of porn;)

Lucas Kazan said...

Indeed... Hollywood good looks and sexual charisma. What more to ask for? My one regret? Couldn't talk him into bottoming. Not once!

Michael said...

They just don't make them like him anymore. Such a shame he is no longer working in porn anymore, if he ever came back I know many people (myself included) would be extremely happy. He gave so many iconic performances (mostly in your films) and could run circles around 95% of the performers that are working today. Vilem and Pavel Novotny will definitely be remembered as legends in the industry for years to come.